Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where is Dalton ? (or...Dear Dalton...GO AWAY !!)

So. The US election is finally over. First black president. Big change. Bush out. Yay. Time to get back to Canadian politics. Specifically, Ontario. Am I the only person who wishes Dalton and his minions would stop blaming everything that has gone wrong in Ontario on the federal government ? Is it possible that he can grow a set and take some responsibility ? He has been doing this since the day he took office. Remember ? He came in with all his promises and then turned around and said 'sorry. no can do....the previous guys screwed us more than I thought and so I can't keep my promises' I honestly hate the man. Can he be impeached ? Can we get him out ? Bring in some fresh blood ? Someone who can try and get this province back on it's feet ? Stop whining about the federal gov't not liking us ? We are now getting equalization payments. Thats like getting welfare cheques. Never before has Ontario needed these. Thanks Dalton. He wants the feds to sink billions into an antiquated industry as it is thought to be Onatrios 'core' money maker. The auto industry has changed dude. Don't sink any more money into that until you are sure there will be actual change in their thinking. He is talking billions. Twit. Honestly....what a twit. GET OUT !!!!!...I feel better.....Look into lowering the wages that are paid to union workers. Maybe more plants will start to open. Look at other ways to protect the workers other than unions. Stop depending on China and India so freaking much. Get these jobs back to Ontario (or anywhere in Canada for that matter...) How can you compete tho' when they pay their employees $10 or much less (!!!) and hour and we are at lie $20 or more for unionised workers. Unions are driving out companies. Really. Start with unions and take it from there. Stop relying on cars and trucks. There are many more opportunities in the way of manufacturing than cars and parts. GET OUT !!!!! Start off by getting call centres back to Canada. People have a hard enough time with their broken equipment then have to deal with a language barrier. I just can't comprehend having call centres in India. Really. Force these companies like Bell and others to keep their services here. Something, Anything. God your a twit. Get into the publics face. Show us you are doing something. You must not be doing much as you are never in the media. Be a democratic representative of the people...who put you there....and get in our faces with ideas. Show us you are alive. Don't wait 'till vote time. Twit.