This is a letter to Randy of many vice presidents at the union....who is becoming just as bad as Andre Cornellier. He was brought in to supplant Andre as he is a twit and he is falling to Andres style of blame and callousness...These guys may be loved by their members as sincere and honest and caring...which they may be.....but when you are playing with the lives of 850,000+ people you are going to have to expect our rage.....twits. Sent this to the normal newspapers and others.
You are grabbing at straws and it shows to people who have a head on their most people in Ottawa do. We are a government ? Kindly advise how Clive Doucet breaking ranks (and playing politics) from a team that is supposed to be cohesive and working together, and voted in by the people of Ottawa and seemingly working on their behalf, is any different from you cutting strike wages and berating a member who does not agree with your point of view ? Shame on you and all unions my friend. You are grabbing at straws and it shows.
"Randy Graham, international vice-president of the Amalgamated Transit Union that represents the workers, said Wednesday that he finds it unacceptable that a publicly elected official isn't allowed to voice his opinion of the situation"
This publicly elected official is just that. Elected by the public to represent us...the tax paying citizens who are being seriously affected by your unions 'irresponsible' actions. Just as you are representing your members. Would you dare go against the membership and say " This whole thing is not right...Andre is a twit and making us look bad and should not be representative of our team" Ummmmm no.
"The way they've treated councilor Doucet I think is appalling," he said. "They should be ashamed of themselves."
Shame on you and your members for the way they treat non-co-operative OC Drivers. You can deny this all you want but you know it happens. And so do we. You should be ashamed for holding 850,000+ (eight hundred and fifty thousand +) people for ransom. There are other ways to fight your fight whilst your members are back at work driving. You should be ashamed of yourselves for threatening pickets at educational facilities. Shame. You should be ashamed of yourselves for threatening to fight the cities attempts to assist our disabled residents. Shame. You should be ashamed for your public display of callousness and disregard towards the citizens who pay your members. Shame.
"He obviously doesn't get it, he doesn't want to understand it, he wants this to continue and we feel sorry for the citizens of this great city. They have been let down again by this council and this mayor and Mr. Mercier."
Do you honestly think rhetoric like this is productive ? Maybe to your members. Not the general population. We have not been let down by the City....we have been let down by your organization. I understand that it was not about money. Now seemingly the City is going to bend on scheduling but take away the bonus and Andre stormed out....We are tired of hearing you blame this on the City. atu279 are much more at fault than the City. You don't want to break and neither does the City. You both are stubborn and you see this as do we all. Unfortunately there are 10's of thousands more people behind the City, with absolutely no more power than their voice and emails. Thus we are being held hostage as you have the power by denying our public transit and gridlocking the City. Shame on you.
You will obviously get a scheduling system that is satisfactory to you. The public cannot take this much longer and the City realizes this, so they will have to cave. You will celebrate. I strongly suggest that you do not celebrate publicly. The last thing your image needs right now is a photo of union members toasting with champagne at their 'victory' This will cause unreal outrage and you would only be damaging yourselves further. Rather than a win/lose mentality why don't you go for fair/fair.
Stop blaming the public's misery on the City of Ottawa. This is your blame to shoulder. You cannot pull the wool over our eyes.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm still against the Ottawa Transit Strike...But...
I am vehemently against unions...especially the Ottawa chapter ATU 279 who are presently still on strike. It has gotten to a point where people are past uncontrollable anger. They are just disgusted. What can they do ? The union is simply not listening at all to us and will not cave. They won't. The City is partially listening to the people by not caving to the unions demands. Someone has to give. Something. The union is being a stubborn child who knows that if they cave their 'power' is diminished. If the City caves they are showing lack of control. I truly believe that the Mayor and 'some' of Council are not being political, and listening to the people they represent....who are angry and fed up with the union holding the City hostage. Look at the union's letter to secondary schools stating that if they accept City funding for assistance in transport, they will be picketed. (come ON !! this is not a direct threat aginst the populace ?) The City is contemplating bringing in non-unionised drivers to help with help with the increase in disabled people requiring transport......disabled people......they too are being threatened with pickets and shutdowns as they are 'scabs'. God, I hate that word. union original. Anyways, you have drivers doing guest columns in the newspaper saying they are sorry for striking but they must continue. You have Ottawa councilors calling pretty much for the Mayor to step down (showboating Mr. Doucet...) You have the public being screwed in 500 different ways. The union saying the City must bend to their will. Stubborn children. At this point, the City and union should go back to the table and work out a 'Fair/Fair deal. Not a Win/Lose deal. What is also expected from the union is celebration. Their mentality through this strike proves that. Take this as you will but at this point it is expected, and tantamount to a terrorist hostage swap and the bad guys thinking it is a victory, and shooting in the streets and celebrating...even tho' they were the bad guys. If the union gets it's demands it should ensure that their members go back to work quietly. No celebrations. No pictures of union members drinking champagne. That will not go over well. The City should take away the signing bonus, give them back their 12.5 (?) hour shift (by removing the extra 1 ( hour) and adjust the scheduling so that it is a little more fair to newer drivers......junior this. The City will obviously get pressure to end it and cave a bit. But the union has to give also. Do the truce attempts in Gaza sound familiar ? hamas voicing it's demands but still not promising to stop the ongoing rocket attacks and still wanting Israel destroyed. Yes, I am comparing the two as it is similar. If Israel pulls out with no promise from hamas to stop their hatred, and attacks, there will still be celebrating of a 'victory'. This disgusts and boggles people. Such is the World we live in. If the City does end up bending a bit and taking it up the wazoo some, then the union should go back to work quietly....with no celebration. This will just look even worse on your membership. The City has done a good job of standing their ground but as a City Council, it must now think of it's population and end the strike. The union's image will be permanently scarred and there will still be fallout for some time after it's over. Hopefully a certain councilor (Mr. Doucet...) will be tarred and feathered for siding with the bad guys after this is all over. He should have quit politics in disgust if he did not agree with the Mayor and then voice his opinions against the City negotiating team and the Mayor. Bad form dude.
I still hate unions.
Up yours Andre.
I still hate unions.
Up yours Andre.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ottawa Councillor Breaks Ranks, and Should be Fired
This is an email I sent to a few news outlets and other politicians with regards to councilor Clive Doucets breaking from ranks and calling th Mayor 'out of touch'...what a freaking twit.....honestly. Just another politician who is using a scandal that is affecting 10's of thousands of people to advance his political ambitions......Unreal.
I cannot believe that you are calling your fellow council members 'out of touch'.....
Are you 'out of touch' with what has been going on in the City ? Are you aware of the reasons for this strike at the beginning of recession ? In the winter ? Did the ATU invitation the other day happen for you ? Did you go and talk to them ? Did you go to the dark side ? What's up ? It's mind boggling that you broke ranks with your fellow council member's....and the majority of the populace of the City of Ottawa. Your political aspirations have over-ridden your common senses me-thinks. What are the chances we'll see your name on the ballot for the next Mayoral race in Ottawa ? Pretty good I would say from this point of view. Sad, sad way of thinking. You my friend are out of touch with the people you represent if you think it is the City and not ATU 279 who is 'out of touch'. We are being held for ransom by 2,300 city employees who don't give a rats fart about us. Their reason for putting it to the public (not just the bus riders my friend...) for this long shows that they are completely out of touch and ignorant to the publics views and concerns. Unions nowadays are completely out of touch with reality and their time has come and gone. Can you impeach councilors ? Maybe fire them ? You were somehow voted in so I would guess impeachment. Your damaging rant is something that would have been expected from Alex.. I guess he panicked when he heard your rant and had to jump on the bandwagon.....Mayor Alex ? Mayor Clive ? Sends shivers down my spine. If you have any conscience and sense of moral obligation, you would have your resignation on Larry's desk by Friday. If you don't like him, then have your assistant drop it off.
Non-Bus-Using-But Still-Screwed-Citizen
I cannot believe that you are calling your fellow council members 'out of touch'.....
Are you 'out of touch' with what has been going on in the City ? Are you aware of the reasons for this strike at the beginning of recession ? In the winter ? Did the ATU invitation the other day happen for you ? Did you go and talk to them ? Did you go to the dark side ? What's up ? It's mind boggling that you broke ranks with your fellow council member's....and the majority of the populace of the City of Ottawa. Your political aspirations have over-ridden your common senses me-thinks. What are the chances we'll see your name on the ballot for the next Mayoral race in Ottawa ? Pretty good I would say from this point of view. Sad, sad way of thinking. You my friend are out of touch with the people you represent if you think it is the City and not ATU 279 who is 'out of touch'. We are being held for ransom by 2,300 city employees who don't give a rats fart about us. Their reason for putting it to the public (not just the bus riders my friend...) for this long shows that they are completely out of touch and ignorant to the publics views and concerns. Unions nowadays are completely out of touch with reality and their time has come and gone. Can you impeach councilors ? Maybe fire them ? You were somehow voted in so I would guess impeachment. Your damaging rant is something that would have been expected from Alex.. I guess he panicked when he heard your rant and had to jump on the bandwagon.....Mayor Alex ? Mayor Clive ? Sends shivers down my spine. If you have any conscience and sense of moral obligation, you would have your resignation on Larry's desk by Friday. If you don't like him, then have your assistant drop it off.
Non-Bus-Using-But Still-Screwed-Citizen
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ottawa's Out of Touch Bus Union...
They are still on strike. How many people have lost jobs ? How many business's have closed or are going to ? How much worse do unions look ?
It's hard to believe that the union refuses to come to terms with the fact that they work for an employer who wishes to take more control over their shifts. The scheduling issue is seemingly the main concern. How many people get to control their shifts ? You work when you are asked to work. If you don't like it, get another job. This has been said over and over and over, and some drivers keep saying we the public don't have a clue what we are talking about. I think it is these union members that do not have a firm grasp on reality. They are being brainwashed into keeping the status quo for about 200 or senior union members....out of 2300 on strike. It's just to the point where you can't even get mad anymore. I was furious up to a certain point. Now it's just numbing. Really. They are screwing an entire city...10's of thousands of tax paying citizens (who contribute to their salary by the way)....seemingly so they can spend more time with their family. Ask the people who work evening and night shifts and see their family sleeping when they come home how they feel. I had a job with an evening shift and tried to get to days but could not. I started looking for another job and eventually quit. Simple. I was making good coin with good benefits, but left. I didn't cry. I left. They say they are abused by the public. They are not abused any more than any other person who deals with the public on the front line of public service. Wait 'till they go back to work. Sure....they are going to have a campaign asking the bus riding public to be nice......good luck with that. Another thing that has been said about this union striking is the fact that we are in a recession and people are losing their jobs by the boatload. They should be happy they have one. This privilege should be taken away from them. Almost 80,000 people lost their jobs in Canada in December. 80,000. This brought the unemployment rate from 0.3% to 6.6%. That's quite a jump eh ? And yet they continue striking. Ignorant. Now they are hoping to be considered essential services as they will go back to work and negotiations will forcefully continue....but they will lose their bonus. Who knows. They have rec'd their final full pay cheque recently and now we'll see what happens. The city at this point is offering to give regular citizens who have lost their jobs as a result of the strike 2 weeks pay. This strike is costing a lot of money. You can't think that the city's savings of 3 million a week is a savings. It's not. You could just go on and on about the unions ignorance and continual cutting down of the mayor and the public but you have to end it somewhere. If unions went back to basics and stopped being political and worked in good faith for their membership then maybe they would be worth their cost and burden. Their time has come and gone. They are despised by the majority. Recent studies and polls have proven this. I strongly believe they have forced so many business's and so much work out of the country that part of the recession is their fault. They are most definitely partially at fault for the pathetic manufacturing downturn in Ontario. Their wages and demands are business busting. I digress......back to OC Transpo and ATU 279. I am going to start a petition to ask the city to privatize OC Transpo. Fire all the drivers and re-hire them (if they want the job...) into a private firm at a lower rate. This would be too bad for the ones who are happy with their work and jobs, but the majority have screwed them also.
Privatize OC Transpo. Do not make them an essential service. Break their backs. The union cannot back down as they will be broken if they do. Finished. Andre Cornellier (union guy) is pretty much done anyway. He'll probably have to move if he hasn't already. Unfortunately the city will most likely have to bend to get their captive citizens freed. The union, as small minded terrorists do, will celebrate a victory. This will not be a victory you twits. This means you have to go back to work and deal with us....the public...who you have blatantly screwed. I dare any union member to debate me on the insensitivity and total lack of intelligence with regards to ATU 279 striking this this time of year.
It's hard to believe that the union refuses to come to terms with the fact that they work for an employer who wishes to take more control over their shifts. The scheduling issue is seemingly the main concern. How many people get to control their shifts ? You work when you are asked to work. If you don't like it, get another job. This has been said over and over and over, and some drivers keep saying we the public don't have a clue what we are talking about. I think it is these union members that do not have a firm grasp on reality. They are being brainwashed into keeping the status quo for about 200 or senior union members....out of 2300 on strike. It's just to the point where you can't even get mad anymore. I was furious up to a certain point. Now it's just numbing. Really. They are screwing an entire city...10's of thousands of tax paying citizens (who contribute to their salary by the way)....seemingly so they can spend more time with their family. Ask the people who work evening and night shifts and see their family sleeping when they come home how they feel. I had a job with an evening shift and tried to get to days but could not. I started looking for another job and eventually quit. Simple. I was making good coin with good benefits, but left. I didn't cry. I left. They say they are abused by the public. They are not abused any more than any other person who deals with the public on the front line of public service. Wait 'till they go back to work. Sure....they are going to have a campaign asking the bus riding public to be nice......good luck with that. Another thing that has been said about this union striking is the fact that we are in a recession and people are losing their jobs by the boatload. They should be happy they have one. This privilege should be taken away from them. Almost 80,000 people lost their jobs in Canada in December. 80,000. This brought the unemployment rate from 0.3% to 6.6%. That's quite a jump eh ? And yet they continue striking. Ignorant. Now they are hoping to be considered essential services as they will go back to work and negotiations will forcefully continue....but they will lose their bonus. Who knows. They have rec'd their final full pay cheque recently and now we'll see what happens. The city at this point is offering to give regular citizens who have lost their jobs as a result of the strike 2 weeks pay. This strike is costing a lot of money. You can't think that the city's savings of 3 million a week is a savings. It's not. You could just go on and on about the unions ignorance and continual cutting down of the mayor and the public but you have to end it somewhere. If unions went back to basics and stopped being political and worked in good faith for their membership then maybe they would be worth their cost and burden. Their time has come and gone. They are despised by the majority. Recent studies and polls have proven this. I strongly believe they have forced so many business's and so much work out of the country that part of the recession is their fault. They are most definitely partially at fault for the pathetic manufacturing downturn in Ontario. Their wages and demands are business busting. I digress......back to OC Transpo and ATU 279. I am going to start a petition to ask the city to privatize OC Transpo. Fire all the drivers and re-hire them (if they want the job...) into a private firm at a lower rate. This would be too bad for the ones who are happy with their work and jobs, but the majority have screwed them also.
Privatize OC Transpo. Do not make them an essential service. Break their backs. The union cannot back down as they will be broken if they do. Finished. Andre Cornellier (union guy) is pretty much done anyway. He'll probably have to move if he hasn't already. Unfortunately the city will most likely have to bend to get their captive citizens freed. The union, as small minded terrorists do, will celebrate a victory. This will not be a victory you twits. This means you have to go back to work and deal with us....the public...who you have blatantly screwed. I dare any union member to debate me on the insensitivity and total lack of intelligence with regards to ATU 279 striking this this time of year.
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