Friday, March 13, 2009
What Color is The Sky in the Arts Community ?
$15,000 for a poop machine ? From Belgium ? Not even Canadian ? $40,000 for a flying Banana ? To be flown in Texas ? Not even Canada ?....................................Just stunned. Really. And the Arts community wonder why every day Canadians on the whole are completely ignorant when it comes to funding the arts at our expense. Just stunned. These are but a couple examples of ridiculous funding examples. I really don't think that the general populace is concerned about arts in tough financial times. Really. And if your going to spend money on the arts, make sure it is for Canadian art of a Canadian nature/origin and is being promoted/displayed in Canada. Honestly. I assume that the greedy music/movie industry is listed under 'the arts'. And they wonder why people illegally download music and movies. Movies at and average of $25 each on top of the average $15 each at the theatre and the $6 at the rental outlet and then the purchase to showing rights and subsequent advertising revenues on TV. Music at average $20/CD and then concerts at a ridiculous price and music downloads. And then you hear artists, driving mercedes, complaining about pirating. Makes me ill. Oh yeah. Can't forget the price gouging and highly illegal and greedy practices of Ticketmaster. Screwing us. This is why I buy my art at Walmart and listen to my music on the radio. Scumbags. The industry is worse than all other corporations who are trying to screw us. When you can pay an actor 10 million dollars for a movie, your pretty sure they are going to ultimately be bringing in 50 times that Royalties last forever. So maybe people should start railing against the 'arts' industry as well as other corporations. 'Struggling artist needs money' Fund them with government money ? No. Get a job that pays. Fund the arts ? Fund this.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Federal Governments Explanation to Taxpayers For Auto Bailout In Canada...
This is seemingly the governments form letter they are sending to people who are voicing their opinions about the crisis. So in all fairness I will show it. I highly doubt he wrote this to me personally..............
Thank you for your e-mail regarding the crisis facing the automotivesector in Canada.
Canada?s automotive industry operates in a highly integrated NorthAmerican marketplace. In this context, the recent liquidity crisis,together with the downturn in economic activity and the significant fallin automotive sales, represent considerable challenges for the Canadianautomotive industry. These challenges are compounded by the majorrestructuring efforts already faced by the industry in light of thevolatility of fuel prices and the growing investments required for newgreener vehicles.
The Government of Canada has already set a solid foundation for astronger, more innovative Canadian automotive sector, based on fourpillars: a competitive economic framework; North American integration;support for R&D; and an Automotive Innovation Fund to make Canada a leaderin cutting-edge and fuel-efficient technologies.
In recognition of the urgency of the current difficulties facing theindustry and the critical importance of the auto sector to the Canadianeconomy, on December 20, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and OntarioPremier Dalton McGuinty announced that the governments of Ontario andCanada would jointly provide $4 billion in loans, payable to GeneralMotors of Canada Limited and Chrysler Canada Inc. through ExportDevelopment Canada (EDC)
Prime Minister Harper and Premier McGuinty have indicated that there willbe conditions attached to this financing. The two governments willexercise oversight of taxpayer money as part of their ongoing duediligence. All stakeholders in the auto industry will be expected to dotheir part to reduce structural costs and ensure a viable auto industry inCanada. The government has also been clear that this support will becontingent on a commitment by the industry to long-term restructuring toensure a sustainable and competitive industry in Canada. They areexpected to provide detailed plans to the government by February 20, 2009,indicating how they intend to do this.
Prime Minister Harper announced two additional steps the federalgovernment will take to support the overall competitiveness of the autoindustry: automotive suppliers will have greater access to accountsreceivable insurance through EDC to compensate for the reducedavailability of credit; and the Government of Canada will create a newfacility to support access to credit for consumers, with particularattention paid to improving the accessibility of car loans and dealerfinancing. Details on this latter initiative have been provided in Budget2009, which allocates $12 billion for a Canadian Secured Credit Facilityto support financing of vehicles and equipment.
The government is committed to ensuring a competitive, sustainableautomotive industry and an environmentally sound future for Canada.
I appreciate receiving your views on this matter and trust that thisinformation is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Clement
Thank you for your e-mail regarding the crisis facing the automotivesector in Canada.
Canada?s automotive industry operates in a highly integrated NorthAmerican marketplace. In this context, the recent liquidity crisis,together with the downturn in economic activity and the significant fallin automotive sales, represent considerable challenges for the Canadianautomotive industry. These challenges are compounded by the majorrestructuring efforts already faced by the industry in light of thevolatility of fuel prices and the growing investments required for newgreener vehicles.
The Government of Canada has already set a solid foundation for astronger, more innovative Canadian automotive sector, based on fourpillars: a competitive economic framework; North American integration;support for R&D; and an Automotive Innovation Fund to make Canada a leaderin cutting-edge and fuel-efficient technologies.
In recognition of the urgency of the current difficulties facing theindustry and the critical importance of the auto sector to the Canadianeconomy, on December 20, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and OntarioPremier Dalton McGuinty announced that the governments of Ontario andCanada would jointly provide $4 billion in loans, payable to GeneralMotors of Canada Limited and Chrysler Canada Inc. through ExportDevelopment Canada (EDC)
Prime Minister Harper and Premier McGuinty have indicated that there willbe conditions attached to this financing. The two governments willexercise oversight of taxpayer money as part of their ongoing duediligence. All stakeholders in the auto industry will be expected to dotheir part to reduce structural costs and ensure a viable auto industry inCanada. The government has also been clear that this support will becontingent on a commitment by the industry to long-term restructuring toensure a sustainable and competitive industry in Canada. They areexpected to provide detailed plans to the government by February 20, 2009,indicating how they intend to do this.
Prime Minister Harper announced two additional steps the federalgovernment will take to support the overall competitiveness of the autoindustry: automotive suppliers will have greater access to accountsreceivable insurance through EDC to compensate for the reducedavailability of credit; and the Government of Canada will create a newfacility to support access to credit for consumers, with particularattention paid to improving the accessibility of car loans and dealerfinancing. Details on this latter initiative have been provided in Budget2009, which allocates $12 billion for a Canadian Secured Credit Facilityto support financing of vehicles and equipment.
The government is committed to ensuring a competitive, sustainableautomotive industry and an environmentally sound future for Canada.
I appreciate receiving your views on this matter and trust that thisinformation is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Clement
The CAW's Sacrifice....LMAO!!!!
So the CAW leader hung his head dramatically and acted contrite and exhausted. GM said they were happy and hopeful. The government...both Federal and Provincial said they were happy. I strongly doubt the taxpayer is. What is the HUGE sacrifice ? No wage cuts....the same pay and contract for another what ? 2 years ? Then they are open to begin negotiating again for more money. They have to pay a few dollars extra every month for benefits. Have they lost a week of vacation ? This all said....they still make approximately $70 an hour with benefits......yes....I said $70 an hour. I can't even fathom that. You probably can't either. That is just the average. CAW says 'high 60's' Big difference ? I can't imagine what the higher paid people get. You are pretty much guaranteed quite a few get over $100/hr. That is just crazy. Really. And we are still to feel pity ? Not. The problem is that the taxpayers dollars are most likely going to go to paying a wage to the 50,000 plus retired employees (that's right...FIFTY THOUSAND) versus the wages for the 10,000 working employees. The last number is supposedly being whittled down to 7000 over a couple years. In all fairness the retired folks did devote time to a company to pay their bills and advance the profit of the company. They are entitled to their benefits. But if a company goes bankrupt they would be in the same boat as millions of other retired folks who rely on government retirement and savings and RSP's and so on and so on. 50,000 people being paid benefits and cost of living increases and so on and so on. I can only assume that the tab for that...yearly....would be in the billions. So it seems our money will be going to continuing a companies commitment to it's retired employees. Hmmm. Sales are down big time. Their own auditors are pretty sure they are still going to go belly up. And we are thinking of giving them billions of dollars. My parents live on a meager pension and manage. After each devoting their entire lives to one business/company each. Look at Nortel and their retirees. Are they going to get a govt bailout to support it's obligations ? Look at the 1000's of other companies that went belly up and the employees lost their retirement funds. I understand the CAW is militant in defending it's devotion to it's members. This is admirable. But it is time to wake up and smell the burning headlines. Their 'Sacrifice' is pathetic. I'm sure they are capable of seeing their situation through our eyes and realize this. Gm has failed. Too bad. It happens. Lots of people will lose work in the industry and related suppliers. It happens. They are grabbing at straws.
GM should sell it's elaborate offices and take up residence in less expensive rental office space.
They obviously should declare bankruptcy. You have to be blind to not see it coming.
The CAW should start focusing it's efforts on advising it's members to better invest money for retirement and not be beating a dead dog.
GM should declare bankruptcy quickly so they can get the ball rolling again on their re-org. The name GM will not disappear you do realise.
10' of 1000's of people are losing work across the country and this is all happening to keep work for 7000 GM employees (don't have numbers on suppliers) and to maintain the benefits of FIFTY THOUSAND retirees. All at unreal salaries.
Should they be bailed out ? Not in a million years. No. Not. Nada. Nyet. Take the money that the government is going to invest in GM and put it towards assisting other business's...with a possibly expanding and taking on some of the employees who lost their jobs at GM and elsewhere. After all, GM will re-grow and a good chunk of these people will get their jobs back. Hopefully at a reduced rate also. It's just unrealistic to have these benefits and wages when the company itself has lost over 50% of it's business. Do they think that the public is going to be forced to buy new cars ? We can't freaking afford them. What are they going to do ? Beg the banks to give people risky loans to try and keep GM afloat ? Come on now. Just stop it.
GM should sell it's elaborate offices and take up residence in less expensive rental office space.
They obviously should declare bankruptcy. You have to be blind to not see it coming.
The CAW should start focusing it's efforts on advising it's members to better invest money for retirement and not be beating a dead dog.
GM should declare bankruptcy quickly so they can get the ball rolling again on their re-org. The name GM will not disappear you do realise.
10' of 1000's of people are losing work across the country and this is all happening to keep work for 7000 GM employees (don't have numbers on suppliers) and to maintain the benefits of FIFTY THOUSAND retirees. All at unreal salaries.
Should they be bailed out ? Not in a million years. No. Not. Nada. Nyet. Take the money that the government is going to invest in GM and put it towards assisting other business's...with a possibly expanding and taking on some of the employees who lost their jobs at GM and elsewhere. After all, GM will re-grow and a good chunk of these people will get their jobs back. Hopefully at a reduced rate also. It's just unrealistic to have these benefits and wages when the company itself has lost over 50% of it's business. Do they think that the public is going to be forced to buy new cars ? We can't freaking afford them. What are they going to do ? Beg the banks to give people risky loans to try and keep GM afloat ? Come on now. Just stop it.
GM bailout
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Yes..I still hate Unions...
Oh yeah....I still hate them. Especially in these times. Pushing for raises in these alarming financial times ? Really. Prison guards in Ontario do need some type of intervention and re-org but a 3.75% raise while people are being laid off left right and centre ? Nurses Doctors and Teachers all getting raises ? Can someone explain to me Dalton's thinking that giving these professions raises helps our economy. Seriously. Am I wrong ? Can someone explain this to me ? Maybe I'm wrong. I hate the man. He is a twit and should be removed immediately. He is doing absolutely NOTHING for Ontario. Nothing. Again. I would like to hear from anyone who thinks different. Really. I'm not perfect. I could be wrong. Wouldn't it be nice to see an Ontario Premiere who was charismatic and really pushed to get stuff done ? Where is he ? Can't say he is staying out of the media and getting stuff done in the background...'cause he isn't. Ontario is a manufacturing graveyard....desperately hanging on to the automotive sector, using our tax dollars. I could go off so much but this is supposed to be about unions.....I digress. SO.....a manager in the City of Ottawa....seemingly......supposedly......allows billions of litres of crap into the Ottawa River.....which for any non-Ottawenians is our drinking water source......go unreported for 1 (ONE) full (ENTIRE) year (365 Days).....A BILLION. He knew it. You know he did. The City knows he did. He's the could he not ? The City fires him and a couple others and reprimands a bunch more. Not like it was a witch hunt you know...But due to a lack of burden of proof.....and his union....(%^&^%$^#^!!!!!) the city is forced to give him his job back....the exact same position he had before.....did I say a BILLION ?? Did I mention I hate unions ? I honestly just cannot believe it. Really.
Can't They All Just Get Along ?...And Run The Country ?
Is it just me or does it seem that the only political work being done by the Canadian 'Opposition' these days is bitching ? Don't get me wrong....I know what their job is.....but come on now. Iggy is starting to travel Canada as tho' an election is coming up in a month and the Conservatives are starting an anti-Iggy campaign already. It seems it's all just about keeping....or getting I fully understand that's politics.....and thus the reason I hate it....but in these dire financial times they should all be showing a little more co-operation in trying to keep the country afloat. A pipe dream I know but wouldn't it be nice ? You know.....I would possibly even contemplate voting Liberal just for the fact that they publicly stated they were going to stop playing politics and work with our....and their.....government to try and make things better and pull us out of this slump. But of course, that has not happened and most likely will not. Iggy has stated that the Liberals were going to work with Stephen and his crew, but in no way sincerely. He is not the PM. His party is not in a position of power. Yet they have that attitude...obviously due to the possible toppling of the government that almost happened. Good for him on shooting that one down. He's actually trying to drum up votes across the country for an election that isn't even happening. People should email the Liberals and push them to stop playing politics and let the media focus on the present government and what they are doing to counter this recession. Stop trying to get your face on the news. We know your there. We like you better than Stephane. Don't expect a kudos for everything that you do. If the government gets something right...with your help...don't try and get your media guys to hammer that home via the news...don't distract from positive movement forward. I believe the Canadian populace is in desperate need of TEAMWORK and a visible showing of this....That goes for the Conservatives also. Stop your supposed anti-Iggy campaign approaching May (first 'report card'...) and concentrate your efforts on saving this Country from doom and gloom....with the Liberals. Maybe you can blame a lot of this childish political gaming on the media as they are our source for most info we get....but it is there and it is obvious. Stop campaigning and get the Countries work done. Be transparent. Let us know what is happening. Stop pussy footing around certain 'touchy' issues and stomp them out. Not everyone is going to like every decision out of Parliament but that is the way of the world. GIT ER DUN !! The Conservatives are doing a pretty good job right now. Now is not a time for political instability when the Country is suffering severe financial instability. Make sure your financial incentive package billions do not get squandered and are used properly. I certainly hope that Liberals and other opposition 'gamers' are being paid to keep quit via pet projects getting done with this money. It has to be used where it is needed. Please please please....stop your ridiculous political games (or at least keep them secret..) and work together to makes things HAPPEN. The following is a fine example of the antics in the Ontario Legislature....and you know it happens in the Commons also. It's sickening. Disgusting. And we are sick of it.....Stop the games and get shit done !!!!
(There's no hope in writing Dalton or any of the other political twits here as they are like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut-off...useless. The Federal parties are our only hope...that being only PC and Liberal by the way)
Ontario MPPs got a stern reprimand on Tuesday from the Speaker of the legislature, who reminded them words like "stupid" and "jerk" do nothing to enhance decorum at Queen's Park.
03/03/2009 9:14:07 PM
CBC News
Steve Peters took several minutes ahead of question period to appeal to provincial politicians to behave themselves and refrain from making personal and insulting comments toward each other during debate.
He also questioned the recent use of words and phrases such as "bamboozle and hoodwink," "bathroom break" and "booze cruise."
The legislature is a place to bring forward a variety of opinions that create passion and antagonism, but not "schoolyard name-calling," Peters said.
(There's no hope in writing Dalton or any of the other political twits here as they are like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut-off...useless. The Federal parties are our only hope...that being only PC and Liberal by the way)
Ontario MPPs got a stern reprimand on Tuesday from the Speaker of the legislature, who reminded them words like "stupid" and "jerk" do nothing to enhance decorum at Queen's Park.
03/03/2009 9:14:07 PM
CBC News
Steve Peters took several minutes ahead of question period to appeal to provincial politicians to behave themselves and refrain from making personal and insulting comments toward each other during debate.
He also questioned the recent use of words and phrases such as "bamboozle and hoodwink," "bathroom break" and "booze cruise."
The legislature is a place to bring forward a variety of opinions that create passion and antagonism, but not "schoolyard name-calling," Peters said.
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