Friday, June 26, 2009

Religion Again...Wish Politicians Could Grow Backbones In Their Kitchen...

Women covering their face due to their take on their religion.This is really addressed to both parties. The Conservatives for not having a backbone (which is out of character...) and the Liberals for the fact that they would have tried to use this against them for political gains...whatever they think that would have been. If Ipsos took a poll of everyday Canadians (and Americans...) asking what they thought of Frances stand against any religious body covering.....I'm sure you would find the mass majority would agree that Sarkozy has a set (of cahones) and is one hundred percent (100%!!) right in their view. When a Canadian votes...or does anything else requiring visual identification....they should not be allowed to cover their face. This being blamed on religion is a farce. It is uncomprehendable that anyone would think this is not a form of submission and a degrading thing. It makes me sick to see women covering their heads let the ones who cover EVERYTHING...even wearing gloves. I understand this is a small minority, the latter, but it happens. The Canadian government, in absolutely no way to speak of, should not respect aspects of religion that demean either sex. Obviously women are the more trodden on ones. It's sickening. Ontario thought about bringing in Sharia law...Om My God. Dalton came to his senses pretty quick after an outpouring of anger.....and coming to his senses. The government of Canada should grow a backbone....the opposition should agree.....and you should make a stand against any restrictive religion. I do not believe in any supernatural power but a good portion do. And the good portion of Canadians who do believe, worship unobtrusively. I kick one away from my door once in a while but that the way it is. When Muslim girls are forbidden from taking swimming classes or doing some type of job where a head scarf is not appropriate, they cannot partake...or they ask for special classes. Not good. Segregation. Most of the time, government sponsored segregation as they bow to their wishes, not wanting to upset anyone. This is an issue that would not create a huge backlash if they were asked to try and assimilate and enjoy the Country they are in. They or their parents or their parents parents came here for a reason. Freedom and a better life. No need for restrictive religious tenets here. Enjoy your freedoms. Call me what you want. I am NOT a bigot. I am just sick of spineless political parties and yes, the ever increasing visual signs of the Muslim religion dominating. I have nothing against the people. Just the religion. All religion really. It causes nothing but distress and money. Dalton should have grown a backbone and pushed through the one public school system. No religiously funded schools. Lots of quiet dissent over the amounts of money the catholic school system gets in Ontario. You want your child to experience your religion ? Teach them yourself or take them to church. What a thought. A secular country. Never going to happen, until it is too late. Freedom of practice on your own. There is nothing wrong with religion, as long as you keep it to yourself and your fellows. Worship whatever you want...just don't expect the government to bow to your wishes. Religion should not be restrictive, and the all governments of every level in Canada should recognize this. Voting dynamics will not change as no politician running for office could use religion as a tool to garner votes. It's so ridiculously easy it defies all logic. There is not one religion in Canada, as there is in most Muslim countries....and for that reason alone, we should have a secular government to run the country.
Kudos to France

As always, I sent this to a bunch of politicians. Nothing happens but it makes me feel better !!