Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Slow News Day for CBC ?
OK...disciplinary charges in the military rise seemingly from around 1400 a year, before we went to war against terror in the form of the Taliban and other freaks, under the auspices of NATO, to about 2300 a few years after we took on an active combat role. Hmmm. From every day peacekeeping and regular non combat duties and activities to a combat role in an active theatre with daily hostilities and cowardly media grabbing attacks (ie: roadside bombs and attempted instigation of 'bad NATO' attacks) I think there would be some stress involved on the part of our soldiers which would ultimately lead to more incidents of mis-conduct due to stress. They're not automatons you know. It doesn't help that the media constantly looks for something to blow out of proportion to get headlines and sell papers and TV ads, thus igniting idiot pacifists back home (and abroad) who don't have the common sense to look a little deeper into things. For example...the Taliban and other radical groups most obviously use the media to try and sway the general public into turning opinion against the military. That is their sole goal. That is the only way they can fight. They try to instigate the general public into railing against the entire reason for being there and siding with them. They fight from peoples homes and force them to stay so the media will come in and report on the coalition destruction of every day peoples homes and occasionally killing the occupants. A few of these and you get a protest...and the enemy laughs. The media knows full well this is what happens but they need their headlines...their pictures. The Canadian media is not terribly harsh on our military but I'm sure most of any negative criticism of our soldiers is due to some mis-guided or bored journalist, and this most definitely affects the soldiers who are there, going WTF ? The article is just pretty much a statistical review of 'stuff' and in the end kinda harmless. Still, why the headlines and opening line of 'Military charges against Canadian Forces members have risen dramatically in the years since Canada sent troops to Afghanistan, a CBC investigation has found. In the past eight years, charges have risen by as much as 62 per cent.' This made front page on a few papers and internet homepages. Yes, lets point out minor human indiscretions (and some serious) instead of maybe taking a different stance or maybe a report on the mental well being of our troops from a personal level. It's the headline that gets you in tho' I guess....
'Assumed' organ donor ?
'NDP Pushing for Assumed Organ Donation' Have people not learned yet that assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups ? So right off, I have my card checked for organ donation...I am definitely NOT against it...but to assume ? That's just not right. Be spiritual or what you will, that body belongs to somebody and you can''t just start harvesting it....."SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Had to get that in..sorry. If I was in a position to desperately require an organ or I will succumb to a disease that I have, I probably would want to see this pushed through (see link). If I was in an airplane heading straight toward the earth facing imminent death....chances are pretty good I would say a quick prayer, even tho I am anti-religion. I would try anything. But it still comes down to the fact that you cannot assume people want their body harvested...should'nt even be considered. These people are pretty much saying that once you pass on your body becomes the property of the government and medical system if you don't initial or sign that little box. So if you forget to check the box or sign, then unfortunately your body is up for grabs. Nothing your family can do. Versus the opposite now. I would prefer the not using my body if I forget. My partner knows I want to donate, but I do understand that they need to know asap after death. Another scenario....they can't find your wallet or ID...."this poor soul is dead...well, it's assumed he wants to give his/her organs to others...lets get to it" Not....the card is checked for 'NO' to organ donation but it is done anyway. But they had to rush to keep the organs fresh and 2 people benefited....Sorry. Not good enough. If for nothing is on principle that I would refuse to allow the federal government to control my remains. That is going a little too far. They already technically control my finances and budget and a lot of day to day life. They will NOT and should NOT have control over your body after death. What a can of worms they would open. Ah well, I guess MP or MPP's can try and get whatever legislation they want pushed through but I have to agree that most of the time they are shot down on stupid stuff like this. I have faith in the system enough to know that this will not we are not there yet as a civilisation. (Do other countries have this ??)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Liberals Want to Win With New Tax ?
First off...if I could talk to Dion and the Liberals I would say..."are you on crack ?" This said, as they realize that in these trying times with skyrocketing inflation and layoffs, that maybe proposing a new tax is not a good way of taking power from the Tories. I have to wonder if Dion decided to take a survey, on our willingness to pay more taxes to help improve the environment, on David Suzukis website. Hmmm. Or maybe from his upper class friends who make enough money to not care as their accountants will make the necessary adjustments to their yearly taxes and portfolios. Hmmm. Me thinks he did not approach the right group of Canadians (pretty much most of us...) to ask us our opinion. Maybe in the future when the economy has stabilised and we don't have the plethora of more serious issues to deal with. The think tanks think that the state of our health system is no longer a hot topic. They also are starting to think that the environment is not as hot a topic as they thought and may be a non-starter.....election wise. Pretty sure the last thing Joe Canadian wants right now is a new tax. Don't get me wrong. Keep working on Industry and corporations to reduce their carbon footprint. By all means. But also take into consideration that we are merely accelerating a natural process, that hopefully we can attempt to get back close to it's natural course. I personally think his platform (or the Tories for that matter..) should be to bring jobs back to Canada. All that will happen is Canada (and everyone else!) will continue to fork out contracts over seas (ie:India and China) as it is cheaper, and as our economy continues to take a nose dive and our population declines, as it is too expensive to have more than one kid (if any), we will be decreasing our carbon footprint and effect on the environment only to have developing countries like China and India increase their carbon footprint and pretty much balance things out or flat out make it worse. Look at China now. For the Olympics they have shut down approx. 300 factories around Beijing and forced people to drive their cars on alternating days to reduce the fog of pollution there. Whats gonna happen the second the Olympics are over ? Everything will snap back into gear with most likely even more factories going up due to behind the scenes 'Olympic dealings' and the pollution quadrupling. You don't think China is using the Olympics as just a sporting venue, do you ? That's the last care they have I'm sure....'oh yes...the olympians and sporting events..'
Mr. Dion, make your platform keeping jobs in Canada and reducing the financial burdens on families stuck in between the upper class and those who require assistance (a cut off I think of $35000 and below on average I think...$36000 and your shit out of luck..) and bringing our manufacturing sector back on line (by of course bringing these jobs back to Canada) and a plethora of other economic issues, and maybe you will have a chance. This of course could be done by Mr. Harper or the NDP also. Unfortunately if the bloc did this they still wouldn't get in so why bother !! It does not take a think tank or university professor in the media to say...'hey the economy should be the number one issue and we don't really think a new tax will endear you to the general public....oh yes, and people are going to hurt...' I think I'll copy this to David Suzuki. See if he has a plan to come to a proper balance that would make everyone happy. By the way....when it comes to thinking we need more taxes on top of what we have to improve our environment.....who is 'everyone'. I think we are doing pretty good just as we are. Focus on the real polluting countries to get them up to speed. We have already set a good example.
Mr. Dion, make your platform keeping jobs in Canada and reducing the financial burdens on families stuck in between the upper class and those who require assistance (a cut off I think of $35000 and below on average I think...$36000 and your shit out of luck..) and bringing our manufacturing sector back on line (by of course bringing these jobs back to Canada) and a plethora of other economic issues, and maybe you will have a chance. This of course could be done by Mr. Harper or the NDP also. Unfortunately if the bloc did this they still wouldn't get in so why bother !! It does not take a think tank or university professor in the media to say...'hey the economy should be the number one issue and we don't really think a new tax will endear you to the general public....oh yes, and people are going to hurt...' I think I'll copy this to David Suzuki. See if he has a plan to come to a proper balance that would make everyone happy. By the way....when it comes to thinking we need more taxes on top of what we have to improve our environment.....who is 'everyone'. I think we are doing pretty good just as we are. Focus on the real polluting countries to get them up to speed. We have already set a good example.
Police Your Own...
This quote from the CBC ..."A group of eastern Ontario Mohawks is upset about an unlicensed quarry started by a businessman in their own community, saying it undermines their protest against the environmental damage caused by another quarry in the same region"
Thank goodness for Aboriginals who have their head screwed on right. You have the 'terrorist types' (Mohawk Warriors) who just start fires and occupations to try and prove a point without thinking, (Ying) and then you have the people who say 'hey, this is going on in our own community...' (Yang). I refuse to say 'Reserve residents' as I just do not agree with the Reserve system. It's a community with the main demographic being Aboriginal. I really hate the usage of the word Reserve, yet they keep using it. Anyway, the council (local government...) seems to have ignored this guy in the past and keeps on ignoring him. Why ? What right does he have to devastate the environment, on Aboriginal lands ? I really hope the people of that community do occupy the quarry to show simpatico with all environmentalists....which I unfortunately really am not. It just showed me a sign of hope when I read this. It was really the guys quote at the end of the story that got to me...."Some members of the band have talked about occupying the Build-All quarry. But Paul Timmerman, an Algonquin from Sharbot Lake who works at the site, warned that shutting down the quarry also could hurt members of the Tyendinaga community.
"It would put a lot of people out of work. Maybe they should take that into consideration."
MMMhhhmmmm. Maybe he (they...) should take that into consideration whenever they blockade any roads or sites that would deny other non-aboriginals access to their source of income...Maybe Paul should fight against all radicals and push for a non-violent approach to solving any issues there are...rather than running out and occupying a site or setting up a road block. This does not help the situation at all. It just unfortunately keeps the impression of certain groups being a little behind the times still. And don't anyone come back and say behind the times is a good's called human advancement. Do we still hunt with stone arrows or get to work in a horse drawn carriage ? No. We've advanced a little.
So after going slightly into a tangent, I really hope to see more news on what will happen with this guy ripping up their own land without permits etc... versus the seemingly licensed quarry...
Thank goodness for Aboriginals who have their head screwed on right. You have the 'terrorist types' (Mohawk Warriors) who just start fires and occupations to try and prove a point without thinking, (Ying) and then you have the people who say 'hey, this is going on in our own community...' (Yang). I refuse to say 'Reserve residents' as I just do not agree with the Reserve system. It's a community with the main demographic being Aboriginal. I really hate the usage of the word Reserve, yet they keep using it. Anyway, the council (local government...) seems to have ignored this guy in the past and keeps on ignoring him. Why ? What right does he have to devastate the environment, on Aboriginal lands ? I really hope the people of that community do occupy the quarry to show simpatico with all environmentalists....which I unfortunately really am not. It just showed me a sign of hope when I read this. It was really the guys quote at the end of the story that got to me...."Some members of the band have talked about occupying the Build-All quarry. But Paul Timmerman, an Algonquin from Sharbot Lake who works at the site, warned that shutting down the quarry also could hurt members of the Tyendinaga community.
"It would put a lot of people out of work. Maybe they should take that into consideration."
MMMhhhmmmm. Maybe he (they...) should take that into consideration whenever they blockade any roads or sites that would deny other non-aboriginals access to their source of income...Maybe Paul should fight against all radicals and push for a non-violent approach to solving any issues there are...rather than running out and occupying a site or setting up a road block. This does not help the situation at all. It just unfortunately keeps the impression of certain groups being a little behind the times still. And don't anyone come back and say behind the times is a good's called human advancement. Do we still hunt with stone arrows or get to work in a horse drawn carriage ? No. We've advanced a little.
So after going slightly into a tangent, I really hope to see more news on what will happen with this guy ripping up their own land without permits etc... versus the seemingly licensed quarry...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Khadr Again...
So...we were waiting for the protests orchestrated by the defense after the very short chosen video clip...which I'm sure the defense took some time to choose...which yes, is their job. Fortunately they only scared up a couple hundred people for the anticipated protest...which we knew was coming (see post below...) I have to ask where the husbands of the muslim women are ? Not something they do I guess. Don't really see them together much do you ? OK, I'll stop there as that will lead me to an anti-religion tangent again. Once again, yes, he was young and brainwashed and manipulated, and Canadian. After the trial they should bring him to a Canadian jail to serve his time. Not until then tho'. Unlike some in the protest believe, he will not be executed (get a grip !) and yes he will be sent back to Canada to do his time under an agreement. Please...are you that ignorant ? That comment came not from a family member but a caucasian participant. OMG. Someone who makes a comment like that is living in their own world or is very easily swayed mentally and is the type of person you would find dead from a mass cult suicide. Sorry but true. Yes, lets just ask the US to drop all the charges and bring this guy 'home'. It's all good. Lets let the Khawaja character go also, after all his ex fiance said he didn't do anything....Lets show the world that we are soft on radicals. Come to Canada and practise your own brand of radical hate mongering and look forward to a lenient justice system. uh huh. If anything, try and force the trial date to be expedited to get it over with and out of the media once and for all. You know, I'm gonna go back to the hijab/dominant hubby New post maybe for that. sexist...stoning women for adultery....bias....radical...infidels....religion....hold back...hold back.....
Getting Excited at $1.16/litre......
As I drove down the street yesterday (a Saturday) morning I noted gas prices were at around $1.20/litre. Yes this is lower than the recent norms but 'regular-like'. As I was driving back in the afternoon I noticed prices had dropped to $1.15 on average. this is open markets, right ? Prices drop almost 5 cents a litre in the middle of the day..on a weekend. So my thoughts now go to Speculators ?...maybe not. Demand ? still a possibility. Supply ? still a possibility. OPEC ? still a possibility. Big Oil ?....most likely. Who else can change the price of gas on a Saturday afternoon ? Did Iran renounce terror ? Did all the terrorists take a holiday ? Is North Korea quietly removing Kim Il Dork ? Did a new refinery kick in ? Did the media not stir up any panic and fear for the last couple of days ? Hmmmmm....
No if only we could see $1.09.....that would be a good day....yes indeedy......
No if only we could see $1.09.....that would be a good day....yes indeedy......
Gas price
Thursday, July 24, 2008
China is still Communist you know...right ?
Do people still actually think that China, with it's insane rate of growth and most obvious lack of inspectors and controls, is a trustworthy place to import products from let alone everyday foodstuff ? I mean Canada, a fully developed and democratic country does not even have enough inspectors to inspect incoming goods from them. Do you think China does ? Not. They have a factory up in 1 week and start pumping out product the next day. If they are eventually found to be non-compliant with whatever regulations are enforced there, maybe they are eventually shut down, to open up under a different name 3 days later in another exploding province or farmers field that will in 1 month be a small city. Maybe if the federal government paid $1.50 an hour for inspectors we could quadruple the amount need to properly inspect these goods and food. Then we would fall into the Chinese way and fully 1/2 of those inspectors would be paid off by the companies (either import or export) to pass the goods as 'cleared'. Countries that use China as their major supplier should be allowed to have an International clearing area in a province there. All goods destined for here should come through inspectors there and any missed get caught here. China is after all a communist state still, even tho' they are doing a good job of hiding it and brushing stuff under the carpet for the Olympics, and you can be assured that government inspectors there are getting rich off our cheap imports. Unfortunately, there is no way on this green earth that Western countries can match the manpower and ridiculously low wages that are prevalent in China. Impossible. I'll work for the Canadian Food Inspection agency for free if they pay my bills and mortgage....This is the age of Wal-Mart (I do shop there and love it by the way) and to keep prices down they have to use cheap labour. This ultimately leads to most manufacturing etc.. being contracted out to developing and third world countries. So I guess I should shut up and be happy with my cheap stuff whilst it remains useful. I can stick to Canadian or US food only tho'. I refuse to buy lettuce or veggies grown in Brazil or Uraguay.
China went as far as to ban the use/sale or public display of dog meat....while the olympics are under way. Dog meat. What country would not try to discourage this by maybe trying to get commercial farms going to feed your own population real meat. How much meat is on a dog anyway ? Dog meat. On the topic of cheap labour, what about companies who use countries like India to host their call centres ? makes me mental when I am having issues with something technical like and I call to get assistance and then have to deal with a language barrier AND my lack of techie ingenuity. I do feel sorry for most of these poor souls who are trying to do their job and put up with my constant "Pardons" and "can you repeat thats" and "say agains" and then just having to ask for a call agent in Canada. I really do. It is not their fault North American companies are trying to squeeze out every penny they can to make a buck. How much would it cost Bell Canada (%$#$$#%^&*#!!!!!!) to have a call centre in India versus a company who has to get physical product to there and back again. I guess it's worth the lost customers who are fed up with their poor call centre plan of attack....Sad state of affairs....Dog meat.....your kidding me...right ?
China went as far as to ban the use/sale or public display of dog meat....while the olympics are under way. Dog meat. What country would not try to discourage this by maybe trying to get commercial farms going to feed your own population real meat. How much meat is on a dog anyway ? Dog meat. On the topic of cheap labour, what about companies who use countries like India to host their call centres ? makes me mental when I am having issues with something technical like and I call to get assistance and then have to deal with a language barrier AND my lack of techie ingenuity. I do feel sorry for most of these poor souls who are trying to do their job and put up with my constant "Pardons" and "can you repeat thats" and "say agains" and then just having to ask for a call agent in Canada. I really do. It is not their fault North American companies are trying to squeeze out every penny they can to make a buck. How much would it cost Bell Canada (%$#$$#%^&*#!!!!!!) to have a call centre in India versus a company who has to get physical product to there and back again. I guess it's worth the lost customers who are fed up with their poor call centre plan of attack....Sad state of affairs....Dog meat.....your kidding me...right ?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Veterans Memorials...DO NOT GATE THEM !!
The following is a letter I sent to the Veterans Affairs Minister and Harper and some Veterans Associations and others. Just to point out that it is my understanding that most Veterans Associations do not want gates or fencing at these locations. I just hope that the people who make the decisions....and we all know how that usually works.....don't say...'just throw up some pretty fences. Beautiful from far but far from beautiful. Not appropriate whatsoever for our Military memorials to be secured like that in our own country. Not at all just because a random idiot sicko decided to take a leak or have a bukake party (right word ?) on a memorial. If anything, I would hope there would be some monumental fine other than 'disturbing the peace' or 'public mischief' for defacing a Canadian War Memorial in any way. I think it should be if only I could get that thought into someones head.....hmmmm. Letter time !
Mr. Thompson,
After reading the news with regards to urinating and other defacement practices at the National War Memorial and then about the Korean War Memorial, it obviously depresses and disgusts you. Some people are uneducated with regards to the importance of these monuments. But you have to think who would wipe crap all over a monument ? Some drunken or stoned boor most likely. People peeing on the War Memorial ? Dumb kids who don't know better.
Please please don't let idiots like this cause gated access or some other type of overdone security controls that will keep people from actually walking right up to the monuments. They are very powerful when you are close. It would be even more depressing to see gates or fences, no matter how 'tastefully' done, set up due to uncalled for 'panic' caused by a couple of morons who made bad decisions. It is good that the issue is being raised to bring attention to it, but lets not go the paranoia route and shut them off from the public please. We the general public have more than enough respect in majority for veterans, than the few who don't care, and in as much want to keep our memorials from being turned into 'security zones'.
Mr. Thompson,
After reading the news with regards to urinating and other defacement practices at the National War Memorial and then about the Korean War Memorial, it obviously depresses and disgusts you. Some people are uneducated with regards to the importance of these monuments. But you have to think who would wipe crap all over a monument ? Some drunken or stoned boor most likely. People peeing on the War Memorial ? Dumb kids who don't know better.
Please please don't let idiots like this cause gated access or some other type of overdone security controls that will keep people from actually walking right up to the monuments. They are very powerful when you are close. It would be even more depressing to see gates or fences, no matter how 'tastefully' done, set up due to uncalled for 'panic' caused by a couple of morons who made bad decisions. It is good that the issue is being raised to bring attention to it, but lets not go the paranoia route and shut them off from the public please. We the general public have more than enough respect in majority for veterans, than the few who don't care, and in as much want to keep our memorials from being turned into 'security zones'.
EU Banning Seal Stuff...Good For Them
Good for them. What are the seals used for anyway ? people eat the meat ? I don't think so. Maybe they do. The Fisheries Minister fires back a quick 'threat' to the European Union before even maybe consulting the rest of Canada. Not like it's a National Industry that will cause widespread poverty and economic breakdown. I'm pretty sure that most Canadians are against it anyway yet for some reason the Federal govt keeps fighting for it and protecting the 'hunt'...'harvest'...'slaughter' whatever you wish to call it. They protect it as it is a tradition for the canadian peoples of isolated communities in Canada. A tradition. The way this Loyola guy (the Fisheries Minister....who is from down east by the way) reacted it seems like he would have the government buying the pelts from the hunters even if the market dried up totally and there was zero demand...."boo boo on you guys" we'll buy them ourselves and keep hunting just because....seriously. I would like to see a Nationwide poll to see how many Canadians think the hunt should be stopped altogether. This guy after all is representing us little guys across the Nation and not just the eastern provinces. He is an MP with a riding down east but he is the Federal Fisheries Minister representing Canada when he makes these international threats....
My letter to him and Harper and a few others again....
Mr. Hearn,
In your threatening reply to the EU attempting to ban certain sealing products do you believe you are popularly speaking for the rest of Canada ? Or is it just the people on the isolated outposts that rely on sealing for their livelihood ? I think you should honestly take into consideration the interests and opinions of the rest of Canada and it's population before you make a threatening reply like that. I think you will find that the rest of Canada may agree with the EU. You do after all profess to represent the people of Canada don't you ? Not just the people of your constituency. I am by no means a vegan. I eat meat and hunt occasionally. But to see the Canadian government put so much effort and dollars into protecting an outdated practice just to keep these fellow Canadians afloat financially is sad and depressing. If people do not want the product anymore then stop the hunt. Simple. Stop keeping the thing going. Bow to the majority and public (of Canadians at least) pressure and end it. Accept it. It almost seems like people like yourself and others in the government would actually keep this thing going even after the market completely dried up just to keep a tradition going. Take some government contract of some sort that will go to Quebec (as many do to keep them complacent) and transfer it to a location accessible to these communities to give them work. Buy their boats if you have to. God knows Canadians would rather see you buy a bunch of boats than spend it somewhere else frivolously.
My letter to him and Harper and a few others again....
Mr. Hearn,
In your threatening reply to the EU attempting to ban certain sealing products do you believe you are popularly speaking for the rest of Canada ? Or is it just the people on the isolated outposts that rely on sealing for their livelihood ? I think you should honestly take into consideration the interests and opinions of the rest of Canada and it's population before you make a threatening reply like that. I think you will find that the rest of Canada may agree with the EU. You do after all profess to represent the people of Canada don't you ? Not just the people of your constituency. I am by no means a vegan. I eat meat and hunt occasionally. But to see the Canadian government put so much effort and dollars into protecting an outdated practice just to keep these fellow Canadians afloat financially is sad and depressing. If people do not want the product anymore then stop the hunt. Simple. Stop keeping the thing going. Bow to the majority and public (of Canadians at least) pressure and end it. Accept it. It almost seems like people like yourself and others in the government would actually keep this thing going even after the market completely dried up just to keep a tradition going. Take some government contract of some sort that will go to Quebec (as many do to keep them complacent) and transfer it to a location accessible to these communities to give them work. Buy their boats if you have to. God knows Canadians would rather see you buy a bunch of boats than spend it somewhere else frivolously.
They Just Can't Let It Go !!
“I really like Paul McCartney, but in this context, this is the last straw,..There is a clear Canadianization of the 400th celebrations. It is becoming a political gesture that tarnishes his presence. -Curzi
“The presence of your English-language music on the most majestic part of Battlefields Park, as beautiful as it might be, can’t help but bring back painful memories of our Conquest,” -Archambault
This is another letter I wrote to P Curzi, a Bloc Quebecois sovereigntist.....who is an idiot. Need I say more ? We already know that Luc is an idiot. Canadianization ?? New word that makes me laugh. I guess it is in the future BQ dictionary.....He thinks the French language is fragile and is going the way of the Dodo...Me thinks he need not worry....
Could you at some point share with me your thoughts on the fragility of the French language ? I am an English speaking Canadian who has an alternate language shoved down his throat every day. Yes that language is French. It is forced upon us English speaking Canadians by our government, both federal and provincial. Yes, we are a bilingual country which is unique in it's own way and different, and French is a language that I do wish I could speak a little better than I do and I do actually like it. But it is when separatists and groups like action imperatif francais get media attention for ridiculous actions on their part, that it takes away interest we English speaking Canadians have in still trying to accept French as a second again it is forced upon us. And you cannot in any way say it is not forced upon us as it most definitely is. Walk a day in my shoes or one of of a million other of your fellow Canadians. The aif group lambasted the federal government for using a poster of Samuel de Champlain with a plate of poutine as a Canada Day advert...inside the embassy. First off...Canada Day...not Quebecs BDay...secondly..poutine..that is something to be proud of and distinctly French. How many English speaking Canadians got their panties in a twist in the national media over having a symbol of a province that is trying to separate (OK..obviously less than 50% of the Quebec population) from Canada and feels the need not to follow the rest of Canada in using bilingual signs to assist the 'anglophones' in knowing where they are....used in their embassy in the US to advertise Canada Day ? Pretty sure there were none. It's folks like yourself that keep the province going I guess, financially, as your constant threats/ambition with regards to separating from Canada force the federal government to treat you that much better and get that much more funding and federal contracts to keep you complacent.Keeps the Quebec economy afloat I guess. (why did the federal government not force Quebec to keep bilingual road signs ? hmmmm....) This unfortunately is a popular view of the majority of English speaking Canada. The Federal government is doing quite well in keeping the French language alive and there is also the fact that English is kinda accepted as a universal language you know and you will thus have to suffer our existence in your province and we suffer forced bilingualism.
I would seriously like to hear of any information you could forward on the possible future extinction of French. It after all is probably the 2nd most accepted universal language. Maybe my views are wrong. I doubt it, but maybe I need an adjustment in my thinking and you could supply it.
PS: At McCartneys age I am sure he does not need a lesson on the history of the Plains of Abraham and the history of Quebec. It is taught worlwide you know, as it is the nucleus of Canada. Did the english victors deport all the French citizens ? Nope. They were pretty sure they could live in peace together.
As a member of your provincial house and experience as an actor,I am sure you either speak english or have access to a I do not. Please be civil and reply in english.
“The presence of your English-language music on the most majestic part of Battlefields Park, as beautiful as it might be, can’t help but bring back painful memories of our Conquest,” -Archambault
This is another letter I wrote to P Curzi, a Bloc Quebecois sovereigntist.....who is an idiot. Need I say more ? We already know that Luc is an idiot. Canadianization ?? New word that makes me laugh. I guess it is in the future BQ dictionary.....He thinks the French language is fragile and is going the way of the Dodo...Me thinks he need not worry....
Could you at some point share with me your thoughts on the fragility of the French language ? I am an English speaking Canadian who has an alternate language shoved down his throat every day. Yes that language is French. It is forced upon us English speaking Canadians by our government, both federal and provincial. Yes, we are a bilingual country which is unique in it's own way and different, and French is a language that I do wish I could speak a little better than I do and I do actually like it. But it is when separatists and groups like action imperatif francais get media attention for ridiculous actions on their part, that it takes away interest we English speaking Canadians have in still trying to accept French as a second again it is forced upon us. And you cannot in any way say it is not forced upon us as it most definitely is. Walk a day in my shoes or one of of a million other of your fellow Canadians. The aif group lambasted the federal government for using a poster of Samuel de Champlain with a plate of poutine as a Canada Day advert...inside the embassy. First off...Canada Day...not Quebecs BDay...secondly..poutine..that is something to be proud of and distinctly French. How many English speaking Canadians got their panties in a twist in the national media over having a symbol of a province that is trying to separate (OK..obviously less than 50% of the Quebec population) from Canada and feels the need not to follow the rest of Canada in using bilingual signs to assist the 'anglophones' in knowing where they are....used in their embassy in the US to advertise Canada Day ? Pretty sure there were none. It's folks like yourself that keep the province going I guess, financially, as your constant threats/ambition with regards to separating from Canada force the federal government to treat you that much better and get that much more funding and federal contracts to keep you complacent.Keeps the Quebec economy afloat I guess. (why did the federal government not force Quebec to keep bilingual road signs ? hmmmm....) This unfortunately is a popular view of the majority of English speaking Canada. The Federal government is doing quite well in keeping the French language alive and there is also the fact that English is kinda accepted as a universal language you know and you will thus have to suffer our existence in your province and we suffer forced bilingualism.
I would seriously like to hear of any information you could forward on the possible future extinction of French. It after all is probably the 2nd most accepted universal language. Maybe my views are wrong. I doubt it, but maybe I need an adjustment in my thinking and you could supply it.
PS: At McCartneys age I am sure he does not need a lesson on the history of the Plains of Abraham and the history of Quebec. It is taught worlwide you know, as it is the nucleus of Canada. Did the english victors deport all the French citizens ? Nope. They were pretty sure they could live in peace together.
As a member of your provincial house and experience as an actor,I am sure you either speak english or have access to a I do not. Please be civil and reply in english.
Paul McCartney Brings Back Bad Vibes ??
This is a letter I sent to Luc Archambault, S Harper, PCurzi and some others who may care> Even if they don't I blew some steam......(In relation to the fiasco with regards to sovereigntists worried that Sir Pauls presence would bring back memories of defeat at the Plains of Abraham and basically anti Canadian.....)
I was wondering if you or any other artist 'elite' friends you are aware of recieve any kind of funding of any sort throught the Candian Government ? I am pretty sure more than a few do as our Canadian government seems to keep bending over backwards to please Quebec and your fellow whiners. I guess they are 'triators' to you as a fellow french artist. Do you really think the rest of Canada is going to sit on thier tucas and have nothing to do with the celebration of Quebecs 400th birthday ? Do you think we don't care ? It is a beautiful city and part of the rest of Canada. The rest of us Anglophones just become more and more frustrated with idiots like yourself when we find it hard to get jobs if we don't have a certain knowledge of French. We the english speaking Canadians are the ones who are being shafted you moron. We have to sit through practically every event of political relation listening to both english and french. You know why ? Because we are officially bilingual in the rest of Canada. Again, not you apparently and your pushing for more. There are villages in Ontario now that are having sign laws for Bilingualism. Ontario. Everywhere you go in Canada everything is in French and English...not in Quebec tho'...French only. You my friend are no better than dictatorial zealots who want to eradicate a minority or troublesome tribe. Quebec is Canadian for all of Canada to share. Is Celine Dion expected to be your sole headliner until you have another Celine ? It would be a sad state of affairs to have her at 90 as still your own 'culturally acceptable french ambassador' attempting to perform in a wheelchair as she is Quebecois you know ! Good lord's people like yourself that keep the fires of anglophone anger over the language issue burning. Nothing is enough for you. You my friend, and your fellow petition signing friends are idiots. In all honesty you have probably done nothing more than embarrass yourself. You were probably one of the morons that demanded that the Canadian embassy in Washington remove the Samuel de Champlain with a poutine in his hand Canada Day invite. You want your language independence and to thrive in your french heritage, that was defeated at The Plains...move to your seeming home country of France. Just for you to have a day in an anglophones shoes...Really...Maybe Paul will launch a modern assault on quebec city...cleverly disguised as rodies.....and this time send all the soveriegntists (NOT nationalsits as you like to say...) back to France. Leave the Quebecois here who enjoy being a part of this country. Doofus. your email address does it not say ? Is qc not Government oriented ? Is that not a provincial government allocation ? Funded by the federal government ? Just wondering how you got that ? Federal government funding maybe ?
I was wondering if you or any other artist 'elite' friends you are aware of recieve any kind of funding of any sort throught the Candian Government ? I am pretty sure more than a few do as our Canadian government seems to keep bending over backwards to please Quebec and your fellow whiners. I guess they are 'triators' to you as a fellow french artist. Do you really think the rest of Canada is going to sit on thier tucas and have nothing to do with the celebration of Quebecs 400th birthday ? Do you think we don't care ? It is a beautiful city and part of the rest of Canada. The rest of us Anglophones just become more and more frustrated with idiots like yourself when we find it hard to get jobs if we don't have a certain knowledge of French. We the english speaking Canadians are the ones who are being shafted you moron. We have to sit through practically every event of political relation listening to both english and french. You know why ? Because we are officially bilingual in the rest of Canada. Again, not you apparently and your pushing for more. There are villages in Ontario now that are having sign laws for Bilingualism. Ontario. Everywhere you go in Canada everything is in French and English...not in Quebec tho'...French only. You my friend are no better than dictatorial zealots who want to eradicate a minority or troublesome tribe. Quebec is Canadian for all of Canada to share. Is Celine Dion expected to be your sole headliner until you have another Celine ? It would be a sad state of affairs to have her at 90 as still your own 'culturally acceptable french ambassador' attempting to perform in a wheelchair as she is Quebecois you know ! Good lord's people like yourself that keep the fires of anglophone anger over the language issue burning. Nothing is enough for you. You my friend, and your fellow petition signing friends are idiots. In all honesty you have probably done nothing more than embarrass yourself. You were probably one of the morons that demanded that the Canadian embassy in Washington remove the Samuel de Champlain with a poutine in his hand Canada Day invite. You want your language independence and to thrive in your french heritage, that was defeated at The Plains...move to your seeming home country of France. Just for you to have a day in an anglophones shoes...Really...Maybe Paul will launch a modern assault on quebec city...cleverly disguised as rodies.....and this time send all the soveriegntists (NOT nationalsits as you like to say...) back to France. Leave the Quebecois here who enjoy being a part of this country. Doofus. your email address does it not say ? Is qc not Government oriented ? Is that not a provincial government allocation ? Funded by the federal government ? Just wondering how you got that ? Federal government funding maybe ?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Does the World Still Need Missionaries ?
As most missionaries are spreading the goodwill of Western Religion, are they really still needed ? Are they behind the times thinking they can bring the foreign heathens to god ? Do they actually think they can assist starving and suffering peoples and at the same time "teach them the love of god" ? Give me a break. Yes, some will come back and say that there are many 'missionaries' that do not preach but assist in rehabilitation only. This is true. I guess they call themselves 'missionaries of love'. Who knows. This is'nt about them. This is about the ones who feel the need to spread their religion to others who for the most part don't really care, or who are too weak minded (brought on by incredible suffering). There are Aid agencies to assist suffering peoples, who's own government don't give a rats ass about them. (thats another post !!) 'Missionary' sounds so 19th century 'bring the word to the heathens'. Really. There are still missionaries in Northern Canada for petes sake !! Thinking that the inuit need the word of god brought to them. Leave them be ! They are fine with their own beliefs and traditions. I have met so many missionaries who are right out there in left field...almost seemingly in a drug haze in their beliefs. I have also met others (minority) who are totally down to earth and just want to help the less fortunate...with a little of 'the word' thrown in. Some people say you don't see Muslim missionaries for example as they just pump out offspring to overwhelm by sheer numbers, eventually. You have to admit this has a ring of truth to it. Really. I don't know why you don't see Jewish missionaries...Is there such a thing ?
missionaries outdated
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Should Khadr be Released ?
No. Thats just my opinion. You have to assume that someone has some decent proof of guilt against him to keep him this long. For the PMO to refuse to intervene. And no...we should not always be given all the files and proof against people when it could affect intelligence (used lightly!!) agencies in our country or others. Just because his mother (who should be deported herself as she is brainwashed..) is begging for him to come home and making all those false statements and he is shown crying on a tape is no reason to bring him back. Out of 7 hours of interviews the defense chose about, what ?, 7 minutes ? Obviously as that is the one bit that will affect bleeding heart pacifists who will then start pining for the government to 'bring him home'. Please. I know I sound cold but thats what is happening. Interrogators are suppoed to break people down. Thats there job. Thats what happens to you when you are an arrested terrorist. I just hope to no end that the govt does not give in and try and bring him home. Sure, if he's found guilty and stays in prison, bring him here to serve his term, as he is technically a Canadian. You just hope that he would rehabilitate (his family too...) and actually become, and enjoy it, a Canadian and bitch about Canadian issues...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Woman in Winnipeg kids Taken Away
Do you think the government has the right to remove kids from a family for her beliefs ? She states she is not a white supremacist but a white nationalist. Unfortunately for her they found hitler and nazi memorabilia in her home which makes you doubt her. Maybe she is misguided in her thinking and is just trying to actually be a nationalist and not a nazi. Needless, I think the school overreacted and should have called the mother and told her the 'arm art' was unacceptable and taken her home. Does she have a point, that most people are too afraid to talk about, that no one stands up for white english speaking Canadians ? If you mention anything remotely offensive with regards to a religion or race or how immigrants to this country should 'adapt' to the Canadian way....look out. Yet who makes an uproar when people cut us down. Be 'we' Anglican or Agnostic or Protestant or Atheist or just 'here'. Maybe we 'Canadians' are just too laid back. Did anything happen to those teens who went to shcool in BC with icons of a sikh terrorist organisation emblazoned across their shirts ? They got radio and TV interviews (see post below!!!) Did that Khadr woman have her kids taken away for preaching extremist islam to them ? And cutting down Canada constantly ? Yet suckling on our teat still...Not.
Media Hyperbole and fear Mongering
There is really no link for this as it concerns all types of media. Who out there believes the media is responsible for most of the panic and fear on the world stage today ? Don't get me wrong. We need the media (and obviously the media needs us) but don't you hate those commentators or writers (mostly commentators and radio show hosts) who overblow the simplest news stories and try to blow them completely out of proportion ? Practically every interview you see on TV tries to 'make' a story or pull a secondary story out of the poor sould being interviewed. OK, not always a poor soul ) Most of the time it's their need to get the biggest scoop and make themselves look ? I think it would be a good test to have the news done by an average Joe Blow who lacks charisma and panache for an entire month and have him use the term 'it seems apparent that...but we could be wrong as we are just not sure and we don't want to speculate and cause any panic' This would be a nice change as I have a friend who works on an oil rig in the Persian Gulf and he put a megaphone to his ass one day, as a joke, and farted. There happened to be a correspondent from a poplular newspaper on the adjacent rig. The subsequent media fracas that ensued, as it was a slow news day, came to the conclusion that there was possibly an Iranian fast attack boat sklulking around taking pot shots at oil rigs. Reports not confirmed. Oil jumped $25 a barrel the next trading day and the US 7th fleet was put on high alert with diplomatic note sent to the Iranian embassy and troops in iraq mobilized and the US started trying covertly to get together a coalition of friendly countries........
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