Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Media Hyperbole and fear Mongering

There is really no link for this as it concerns all types of media. Who out there believes the media is responsible for most of the panic and fear on the world stage today ? Don't get me wrong. We need the media (and obviously the media needs us) but don't you hate those commentators or writers (mostly commentators and radio show hosts) who overblow the simplest news stories and try to blow them completely out of proportion ? Practically every interview you see on TV tries to 'make' a story or pull a secondary story out of the poor sould being interviewed. OK, not always a poor soul ) Most of the time it's their need to get the biggest scoop and make themselves look good..no ? I think it would be a good test to have the news done by an average Joe Blow who lacks charisma and panache for an entire month and have him use the term 'it seems apparent that...but we could be wrong as we are just not sure and we don't want to speculate and cause any panic' This would be a nice change as I have a friend who works on an oil rig in the Persian Gulf and he put a megaphone to his ass one day, as a joke, and farted. There happened to be a correspondent from a poplular newspaper on the adjacent rig. The subsequent media fracas that ensued, as it was a slow news day, came to the conclusion that there was possibly an Iranian fast attack boat sklulking around taking pot shots at oil rigs. Reports not confirmed. Oil jumped $25 a barrel the next trading day and the US 7th fleet was put on high alert with diplomatic note sent to the Iranian embassy and troops in iraq mobilized and the US started trying covertly to get together a coalition of friendly countries........

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