Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bell Canada CEO Contact Info...

Can anyone tell me how to find the email address for the CEO of BCE or Bell Canada ?

Auto plants closing in the States and Canada...$%&#*!! Unions !!

I just got more ammunition against in my rant against unions. Can you believe that in the States....I have no idea if they have it in Canada but rest assured I am going to find out.....they have a thing called Job Banks ? For anyone familiar with being 'put on the bench' when you work for a company that hires out your skills, and the contract is is the same thing. You are put to work doing other tasks and training or helping out other departments until they can find another contract for you. If you are 'on the bench' for too long and you are not contributing to the well being of the company (ie: being a drain...), they then terminate or lay you off. As it is too expensive to pay your wages for an extended period of time this is the sensible thing to do. Seemingly the auto union somehow managed to negotiate a contract with the big three where employees from a plant that has shut down or reduced output are put in the job full salary...for 4 years. Witnesses have said that they sit on their heinies getting full salary doing average $30/hour. $30 an hour. Shit. I can't even imagine the regular benefits they get. I have absolutely no pity whatsoever for these people who expect the government to bail them out. None. Pathetic. And the UAW says it's not their fault the automakers are going tits up....Owwwwwwwwwwww......a monkey just squeezed out of my puckerhole......You my friends are a huge part of the problem. When are they going to slip back to reality and realize this ? Really. They are so far out in left field it's silly. Hmmmm. Honda and other plants are opening brand new plants in the States.....They must be doing something right.....hmmmm. Methinks it's the average $18 an hour and no unions that may have something to do with it....Oh yeah. And making sensible cars that you don't need a ladder to climb into. (This coming from a person who owns 2 North American cars....and the quality shows...or lack of)
Unions are the root of all problems. Do you really think that half of your help line calls would be routed to India if wages were not out of control by greedy unions here ? I can't even go there. That's another whole cluster f__k. Let the auto makers go bankrupt and then terminate all the union contracts and then restructure and reorganise and start fresh...Oh yeah....follow Honda and Toyota's manufacturing/business models. So at this point the US side was asking for I think 35 BILLION and at this point, god knows why, got 15 BILLION. I would like to see the stipulations if any. The Canadian side is asking for 6 BILLION. If and when they get that,which I'm sure they will...and would drop to the floor on the spot if they didn't...there has GOT TO BE STIPULATIONS FOR THE UNION CONTRACTS. And also the cars they make. Bring the auto sector employees back to reality with sensible wages. Bring all wages back to reality and then maybe we would stop losing plants to Mexico and China and India. We are in no position to sit on our asses and have other third world countries do our dirty work. We need the jobs Canada. You know, I think the Conservatives actually see this and I hope they aren't forced to bend to the unions will by this coalition scare. I hope they do not cave in their January budget.

Freaking unions......twits. Did I say SIX BILLION ????

Don't do it Bob......It's Political Suicide !!!

So Bob Rae is going to run back and forth across Canada to beat a dead dog. I don't know about you, but to me it seems he has an air of self importance surrounding know..' they are all doofuses and I guess I'll have to do it myself '. I commend him on his attempt to keep his party focused on something.....anything. They don't seem too cohesive as of late. Thus one of the reasons we...the Canadian majority...were more than a little concerned about them governing us. (I'm laughing .....) They can't even govern themselves. So here is Bob, thinking in one way that he is showing leadership and commitment to his party by stepping up and trying to push the coalition on us. Not realising that he may make himself look like a responsible leader to some of his cohorts, but to most of us who were infuriated with the coup in the first place, he's still making the coalition look even less inviting than it was before...if that's possible. It's going to die dude. Let it go. We do not want a coalition. We want to keep the present government in place. Do you not get that ? Look to getting your party all focused on the same train of thought (....hint....not the coalition). Concentrate on reforming the only viable opposition party. Your not going to help matters any by pushing the coalition. If you do, chances are fairly decent you have lost the opportunity at leadership of your party already. I congratulate Mr. Ignatieff in advance.
Forget the coup Bob......
Work on your party and then with your government
Stephen has gotten a scare and a slap on the bum. Move forward and help the country. Not yourselves. Twit.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Work Towards a Unified Government...Not a Coalition...Twits

Dion's party does not even want him as a leader. He wants to be the PM ? We want him ?
Layton is a socialist Twit.....
No words for Duceppe.

God. I hate politicians. Yes. The Conservatives are slightly to blame. Got that out. But they are still the best ones to manage this country. Again. Dion lost miserably and is being kicked out as leader of his own party. You got that right ? Yet, they chose him as the lesser of 3 evils to rule as PM until some other no name can come in....not popularly elected. Unreal. Really. Unfathomable. The Conservatives say it like it is usually. Are we the tax payer happy with $1.95 for every vote given to a political party given to that party ? Nope. Five parties. Maybe hone it down to two parties and it would be OK. Place a ban on public sector union strikes for a couple years due to tough financial times ? Sure. Public service employees are well paid. Look at OC Transpo here in Ottawa. Threatening to strike, again at Christmas. Using the general public as a bargaining chip. F____ers. Do I have any respect for unions ? Not even remotely. This is not a 3rd world country where you are working in a sweatshop with a whip on your back constantly and shackles keeping you there. Don't like your job and want to get out ? Walk out the door. I digress. Going off topic. F__k. Look at me. Swearing on my blog. Bonesmokers. The 43% that the papers are showing for people wanting an election if the GG dissolves the present government are all Liberals who are saying...'OH my God, we have another chance' Polls. They are mostly in favour of the Conservatives but those numbers for the other 'routes' to be taken are scary if you believe in polls. 1000 people called...out of a population of how many millions....and Canada decides. Sad really. I hope the rallies do well. I'm going to my first one ever on Parliament Hill. I'm pretty confident the GG will prorogue (whatever) the government at Harpers request today. God I can only hope. That will give people time to see that coalition governments DO NOT WORK. It is a freaking coup plain and simple. The Conservatives have been in office for what ? a month and a half ? And there has been nothing but childish squabbling since. Dion is a big baby !!! How do yuh like me now ? If it had been a year and Canadas economy was in the shitters and we were in a States like recession...then yes....maybe contemplate it. IT's BEEN TWO MONTHS !!!!! Canada is one of the few countries in the world at this time with a strong economy and not in dire financial straits like the rest of the world. Canada....must be doing something think ? Get over it you whiny losers. You all lost. You were not voted in. Your election showings were dismal. The Conservatives got it a minority...they were chosen by we the people to govern this country. They are not repressing us. They are not living in lavish castles looking down on us and sticking their noses up whilst we live in decrepit mud houses living in our own filth. They are not stocking their closets with 10' of thousands of shoes while we die in the streets. They are not eradicating the naysayers.

To Dion, Layton, and Duceppe.......Shut the F__k up and get your acts together and help govern this country. Stop squabbling like freaking school kids and unite with the governing party to keep our country strong. Twits.