Monday, September 22, 2008

Bob Rae and the Liberals are Twits.....As are most Politicians I guess.

Bob Rae is an idiot. So are a decent chunk of politicians with their childlike finger pointing and he said she makes me mental. Why can they not just debate their platforms and grow up. Deal with your team crap afterwards.Read the above link first.It's as if some politicians think other politicians did not, and do not, have other personal opinions and that some of us would care about this. Unfortunately he may swing 1 or 2 votes because of this. So, a guy that's running for MP against Rae thought maybe if people had concealed handguns that they would not have watched as a fellow human being was butchered before their eyes. I too think they were pussies. Grab a rucksack or other luggage or piece of wood or something and swarm the guy. Really. See. That's my personal opinion and a chunk of others also. You can look back on it and say that. It infuriated me and a good chunk of the population. Does Rae think this is the only guy that thought...'if they had guns they simply would have shot the crazy freak'. No. He just has no solid political debating or platform to stand on so he has to act like a kid and treat his constituents like they are brainwahed morons and say crap like 'Oh My GOD....the Tory party is falling apart..they are falling like snowflakes'......snowflakes ? It's like flies twit. ("The fact of the matter is I think it reveals something else. I think it reveals the incredible weakness of the Harper team," Rae told CTV's Question Period. "The team is falling off like snowflakes." )"Their candidates are falling off because they can't stop saying stupid things. And this is a reflection on the Harper team and, frankly, also a reflection on Mr. Harper because he's the one who is choosing the team." Mr. Rae should have Mr. Dion sign a contract with the people of Canada which states that in the event more than 2 Liberals have some dirt dug up on them in the future if, god forbid, they get into office, then they will capitulate. As of course they are not fit to govern due to some personal foibles in their party. These remarks have been made by all parties with everyone doing the finger pointing and childlike/US style dirt digging. Grow up and just be concerned with what concerns the country you twits. Elections suck as it is already. Stop your whining. I actually used to have respect for Bob Rae before these comments. Lost now. Twits.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How the Canadian Government can Reign in Gas Prices... about implementing an excess profits tax on Canadian oil companies ?
The government should punish oil companies for excess profits as it is eminent domain and the oil is Canadian. Oil is a necessary evil. We need it. Let David Suzuki tell us how we can logically and sensibly stop using it and use Segways to travel.......not. Get rid of plastic ? Not going to happen. It makes the country run. It should be controlled. Yes, these companies have spent millions upon millions to develop these fields and such...but not without government waiving fees and taxes and even investing moderately. The revenue generated by this tax could be put towards cutting taxes on consumer products such as food and everyday staples. Hey, they could even make huge investments in alternate energy development...not research. I'm sick of the word 'research' and 'studies'. Just freaking do it. What are oil companies going to do ? Up and leave to Mexico ? Not gonna happen. Still gonna make profits for their shareholders....just not going to have motivation to gouge the everyday Joe and industry in general with the threat of huge tax penalties. Should work. You think ?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can The Canadian Government Run An Oil Company ?

Yes. The first step the government should take to control gas prices is start a company of it's own (Petro Canada ?...another Mulroney fiasco....god I still hate the man) After all, technically, the oil belongs to the people of Canada. Why not take over them all ?(wishful thinking...just call me Hugo C) With government control over their own refineries (hopefully more than one...) and fields there would be government stabilised pricing and delivery. Hopefully no 'oh my god there is the possibility of a storm 5000 miles away hurting the rigs' gas gouging. No worries about shareholders screaming about profits. Put the money back into Canada. After all we do have the 2nd largest reserves of oil in the world (yes...including the tar sands)This is not a communist government nor is it run by a despot who will line his own pockets or use the funds for some nefarious should and would be transparent ownership and governance. This said as I'm sure some twit will think that the government should not run a company of this size. They are doing a decent job of running the country and starting a government owned company is the best idea. Oh yeah....they could also force the big oil companies and automakers from muzzling the companies that are trying to improve the common battery or fuel cells for future electric cars. Buy out, or into, Ballard Power Systems and get shit rolling. There is nowhere near enough money going into this technology. If it takes government interference to force the issue then so be it. That should be a condition of bailing these auto companies out....contractually obligated to have an affordable production hybrid within 1 year. All you see is advertising for them. Just blowing smoke up the everyday Joes ass. Canfuel....there's a good name for the new company owned by the people of Canada....yeah. Canfuel.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Religulous.....Question everything !! this is not technically Canadian content but religion is universal...OK ? I had to post this. It opens October 3rd. Maybe this will show some people the light. Bring them back from the dark side. Tired of religious folks pushing their religion on you ? Fight back and give them a copy of this movie. Have a pile at the door for the jehovah witnesses. Send copies to your local televangelist, rabbi and imam ! Plaster it all over the internet ! atheists and Agnostics are cut down on a daily basis by religious folk as non-believers and infidels and non-semite's so me thinks this film is long overdue.....I just sit here with a smirk as I read the reviews of religious zealots cutting Maher and his 'diatribes' as the 'atheist prophet' down. Really...I was under the impression that religions were supposed to be tolerant of others ? Maybe this movie was made with people like that in mind...yuh think ? There are actually religious blog that agree with him and enjoyed the movie....with the exception of the quote at the end of the movie...'for the world to live religion must die'. At present...this could not be more true. If people require some type of 'force' to make their lives whole...maybe they should look into know....non-antagonistic. Yeah. But of course you would have some dimwits who would interpret it their own way and start with 'my buddha is better than your buddha' and not agree with the robes the other monastery guys wear and violence would ensue. Religion sucks....period. Yes...poor me for not seeing the joy and wonderment and all enveloping beauty of it all. I guess I'm kinda fixated on the extremism and lack of rights and wars started and bloody protests and daily issues caused as a result of it. Poor me......not.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Unions Again....and Buzz's Salute...

I just read about Buzz Hargrove going out and another guy coming in for the CAW. Buzz on his way out gave the single finger salute to the Canadian Government....this after they just agreed to dishing Ford 80MILLION dollars to keep 350 people the plant anyway. He has his panties in a twist that the money was meant to buy votes....and your point is ? The mayor of the city seems to be happy....the residents and employees seem to be your point would be ? Who cares if it was politically motivated. It's 80 MILLION dollars dude. You have gotten too political and it is good you are out. But as to your successor's immediate concern over pushing to get the PC out ? You yourself were kicked out of the NDP a bit back...did you apologise and get back in ? Probably not....So that means...most likely ...that the CAW are political cronie of the Liberals and Stephanes Green ? His bid to increase carbon taxes and most likely close down more plants ? He's an environmentalist you know...So....that leaves the Bloc and the Greens. The Bloc being separatist and the Greens...well. you know they are against cars period....That leaves you .....the Conservatives.....hmmmmm...or the CAW should keep their nose out of politics and just let their unionised folks vote for whomever they wish. Waddya think of that ? Oh yeah....I just read about the 'retire and you get a car and thousands of dollars' deal made at the end of July. Lets see....a $35,000 vehicle 'chit' on top of upwards of $100,000 cash for normal everyday employees...And still we are supposed to feel sorry for unionised workers ? Some people are happy to get a pen set and a little bonus check. A car chit. 'Thanks for working for us' Here's a $35,000 car and $100,000 cash and 65 percent of your pay' See yuh. Shit...And we are supposed to feel sorry for you again why ? We as taxpayers should support your prehistoric cause why ? The Conservatives brought this upon your people how ? I would kill to see a reply to this....Please.....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another Ontario Plant Closing.....

So. Another plant closing. OK. Car plants closing seemingly due to the price of gas and people shifting away from trucks, SUV's and other gas guzzlers. All the related suppliers going out of business as a result. Other plants closing and blaming it on free trade and the economy. John Deere closing and blaming it on the economy. Even tho' there is a projected profit for the product they are putting out in Welland. I would put the blame squarely on shareholders and company greed. Must make more money. All right....when you invest in a company, you would like to see a profit. As shareholders own part of your company you have to listen to them...and there are usually many. Everyone wants to see a profit. How to make that profit ? Hmmmm. Well, we pay our employees in North America an exorbitant amount in wages and ? Lets just pick up and move to Mexico or India or China then. Someone will actually make money (kickback !!)by just saying we'll move there !! North America has evolved to the point where the general populace is living well and wages are good....but the companies and businesses that supply us with our consumer goods want to make more money also. So why not produce where the wages are 2 or 3 dollars an hour and there are most likely huge incentives to stay put there. OK. That is where a union would actually come in handy. It would get to a point tho' where the employees are making decent wages and benefits and the union should back off and stay at status quo. Otherwise, the company would pick up and move again to another country who has not yet developed fully and allows $5/day labour....until the union comes in there also. You see where I'm going. The unions and employees are partially at fault also. The unions for trying to drive wages even higher if the company is making record profits (even if not...) The employees for having a feeling of power over the company knowing they can get away with a lot with the security of the union behind them. I don' say this without knowledge. I have worked in both unionised and non-unionised environments. I hate unions and their fervent supporters. If I am perfectly happy with the wages and benefits I am making and complacent in my work environment, why should I be forced to go on strike for better benefits and more wages ? And then be called a scab and scumbag for wanting to keep working and not supporting the union's demands ? Not right. I have worked with complete idiots who took full advantage of the security of the Union and would have been fired or even criminally charged in a normal working or public environment. Protected by the Union. The Union was beneficial to a point and is a good employee advocate but keep it at that. Unions are a dominant factor in driving big companies out. If you don't like your wages and benefits, get another job. Work someplace else. Who cares if the company is making record profits. Yes it would be nice to get a bonus or something but ultimately if your not happy....get out. If you want to share in those profits, buy stock. Your compensation for your work is your salary and benefits. The shareholders compensation is profits from the money they invested. This in no way condones their greed for more money...just puts into perspective the arguments between both. For anyone blaming this on any political party...get a life.
Are companies fines if they up and move after services have been made available to them ie: changes in infrastructure to accommodate them etc ? In the article it mentions a fine. I really hope this holds true. The large companies should be hit hard for moves like this.
So to sum up what is possibly at fault;
a/ Corporate Greed
b/ Bottom Line (same?)
c/ Unions for inflating wages
d/ Economy
e/ Consumer need for inexpensive products versus corporate need for customers and profit
f/ Countries that allow $10 paydays to help their economy blossom overnight
g/ Idiots like us that don't voice our concerns on a regular basis to these companies. I for one am getting tired of speaking to a person with a language barrier in India. I am calling as I am having difficulties understanding something and don't need a language barrier on top of that.

Unions are a thing of the past. Times have changed. In North America anyway......

Billboards In Ottawa....

There really just has not been much to write about lately....Maybe I'm not reading the right news articles....who knows. I was just reading about Ottawa city councillors wanting the right to veto the installation of city owned billboards in their communities (wards...whatever!) Of course it's the same councillors such as Diana Deans who are stirring up the crap(I'm still pissed at her unprofessional 'mannerisms' over the Albion Road fiasco !!!) The city seemingly has about 20 of these up already and are forecasting a profit of 1 million dollars over 5 years....1 milllllleon dollars.....That's a pretty penny. Mayor Larry rebutted by saying that if these wards (or their councillors or the few whiners they represent out of the whole !) don't want billboards in their communities then the money generated by them will not go to that ward. Sounds kinda childish but it makes sense...really. Deans wants vetoing power for her ward but says it's OK to put them elsewhere and that everyone should still share in the returns...Poo Poo on you. This person is a councillor...why ? If for example the majority of the people of Alta Vista or Riverside South or Kanata North say 'Hey...go ahead and do what you have to in an attempt to keep our taxes's just a sign really (as long as the lighting doesn't keep me up at night !!) ' and all the signs are put up in these areas, then I think it is only a degree.... that these wards have preferential treatment in regards to the profits from the signs. Councillors like Deans and another guy....Doucet....thats him....what to share in the glory and profits but constantly bitch. Are they really representing the majority of their constituents ? Or just making for media attention and spotlight. If it is media attention and the spotlight then they should get out of politics. Represent your people and stick to your wards. You want money from these signs ? Then they go up in your wards also. If there are not any economically viable locations to place these signs in your ward then you don't have to worry abut it. If you can think of other revenue generators then we would like to hear them. Got any ? People should send emails to these councillors and get their ideas with regards to keeping the taxes down and making money. Giving one councillor a right to veto a sign in their neighbourhood ? Bad idea. Trying to make all these councillors happy by setting up a ward by ward custom made installation protocol ? Bad idea. City wide for everyone. They are bringing money in to keep our taxes down people. There are already billboards all over. It's a sign. It's not a factory or racetrack or increased traffic. It's a sign. Live with it. I'm really getting to like Larry. He's not a politician and I like that....a lot.