Monday, September 8, 2008

Unions Again....and Buzz's Salute...

I just read about Buzz Hargrove going out and another guy coming in for the CAW. Buzz on his way out gave the single finger salute to the Canadian Government....this after they just agreed to dishing Ford 80MILLION dollars to keep 350 people the plant anyway. He has his panties in a twist that the money was meant to buy votes....and your point is ? The mayor of the city seems to be happy....the residents and employees seem to be your point would be ? Who cares if it was politically motivated. It's 80 MILLION dollars dude. You have gotten too political and it is good you are out. But as to your successor's immediate concern over pushing to get the PC out ? You yourself were kicked out of the NDP a bit back...did you apologise and get back in ? Probably not....So that means...most likely ...that the CAW are political cronie of the Liberals and Stephanes Green ? His bid to increase carbon taxes and most likely close down more plants ? He's an environmentalist you know...So....that leaves the Bloc and the Greens. The Bloc being separatist and the Greens...well. you know they are against cars period....That leaves you .....the Conservatives.....hmmmmm...or the CAW should keep their nose out of politics and just let their unionised folks vote for whomever they wish. Waddya think of that ? Oh yeah....I just read about the 'retire and you get a car and thousands of dollars' deal made at the end of July. Lets see....a $35,000 vehicle 'chit' on top of upwards of $100,000 cash for normal everyday employees...And still we are supposed to feel sorry for unionised workers ? Some people are happy to get a pen set and a little bonus check. A car chit. 'Thanks for working for us' Here's a $35,000 car and $100,000 cash and 65 percent of your pay' See yuh. Shit...And we are supposed to feel sorry for you again why ? We as taxpayers should support your prehistoric cause why ? The Conservatives brought this upon your people how ? I would kill to see a reply to this....Please.....

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