Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The CAW's Sacrifice....LMAO!!!!

So the CAW leader hung his head dramatically and acted contrite and exhausted. GM said they were happy and hopeful. The government...both Federal and Provincial said they were happy. I strongly doubt the taxpayer is. What is the HUGE sacrifice ? No wage cuts....the same pay and contract for another what ? 2 years ? Then they are open to begin negotiating again for more money. They have to pay a few dollars extra every month for benefits. Have they lost a week of vacation ? This all said....they still make approximately $70 an hour with benefits......yes....I said $70 an hour. I can't even fathom that. You probably can't either. That is just the average. CAW says 'high 60's' Big difference there....eh ? I can't imagine what the higher paid people get. You are pretty much guaranteed quite a few get over $100/hr. That is just crazy. Really. And we are still to feel pity ? Not. The problem is that the taxpayers dollars are most likely going to go to paying a wage to the 50,000 plus retired employees (that's right...FIFTY THOUSAND) versus the wages for the 10,000 working employees. The last number is supposedly being whittled down to 7000 over a couple years. In all fairness the retired folks did devote time to a company to pay their bills and advance the profit of the company. They are entitled to their benefits. But if a company goes bankrupt they would be in the same boat as millions of other retired folks who rely on government retirement and savings and RSP's and so on and so on. 50,000 people being paid benefits and cost of living increases and so on and so on. I can only assume that the tab for that...yearly....would be in the billions. So it seems our money will be going to continuing a companies commitment to it's retired employees. Hmmm. Sales are down big time. Their own auditors are pretty sure they are still going to go belly up. And we are thinking of giving them billions of dollars. My parents live on a meager pension and manage. After each devoting their entire lives to one business/company each. Look at Nortel and their retirees. Are they going to get a govt bailout to support it's obligations ? Look at the 1000's of other companies that went belly up and the employees lost their retirement funds. I understand the CAW is militant in defending it's devotion to it's members. This is admirable. But it is time to wake up and smell the burning headlines. Their 'Sacrifice' is pathetic. I'm sure they are capable of seeing their situation through our eyes and realize this. Gm has failed. Too bad. It happens. Lots of people will lose work in the industry and related suppliers. It happens. They are grabbing at straws.
GM should sell it's elaborate offices and take up residence in less expensive rental office space.
They obviously should declare bankruptcy. You have to be blind to not see it coming.
The CAW should start focusing it's efforts on advising it's members to better invest money for retirement and not be beating a dead dog.
GM should declare bankruptcy quickly so they can get the ball rolling again on their re-org. The name GM will not disappear you do realise.
10' of 1000's of people are losing work across the country and this is all happening to keep work for 7000 GM employees (don't have numbers on suppliers) and to maintain the benefits of FIFTY THOUSAND retirees. All at unreal salaries.

Should they be bailed out ? Not in a million years. No. Not. Nada. Nyet. Take the money that the government is going to invest in GM and put it towards assisting other business's...with a future...in possibly expanding and taking on some of the employees who lost their jobs at GM and elsewhere. After all, GM will re-grow and a good chunk of these people will get their jobs back. Hopefully at a reduced rate also. It's just unrealistic to have these benefits and wages when the company itself has lost over 50% of it's business. Do they think that the public is going to be forced to buy new cars ? We can't freaking afford them. What are they going to do ? Beg the banks to give people risky loans to try and keep GM afloat ? Come on now. Just stop it.

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